Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Fourth Coordination Meeting of the SEE Health Network on the SEE 2020 Startegy Implementation, Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 12-13 March 2014

The SEE Health Network Executive Committee and the Regional Cooperation Council announce the 4th Coordination Meeting of the SEE Health Network on implementing the SEE 2020 Strategy.

The Meeting will take place in Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina on 12-13 March and is kindly supported, both politically, technically and financially by the Regional Cooperation Council.

How did we come to here?

On 16 January 2014 the RCC held the 3rd SEE 2020 Coordination Meeting at the RCC Liaison Office in Brussels. The meeting was attended by 13 Dimension Coordinators, two partners (EC DG Enlargement and the OECD) and 15 RCC staff from both RCC Office in Sarajevo and its Liaison Office to the European Commission.

The SEE 2020 Strategy´s implementation was the main topic of the discussions; it has to be launched in 2014. The countries that fall under the SEE 2020 Strategy are: ALB, BIH, CRO, KOS, MKD, MNE and SRB. At the moment negotiations are being run with MDA and TUR whose governments have expressed interest and commitment to the SEE 2020;
The RCC will support the SEE 2020 Strategy implementation through:
  • Providing support to the individual countries to develop their National 2020 Strategies; the Ministries of Economy will be the leading governmental sector at national levels and each country will have its own National 2020 Coordinator (N2020C); to date, the countries are in the process of nomination of these N2020Cs and  when the process is finished the RCC will provide their full list with contact details;
  • Providing support to the regional initiatives through their coordinators (RIC);
  • Establish the system and indicators for monitoring and evaluation of the SEE 2020 Strategy implementation both at national and regional levels; the set of indicators are being developed by OECD;
This process will have serious implications for the SEE Health Network in view of its immediate follow-up actions. The SEE 2020 Strategy implementation and all issues related to the SEEHN were discussed during the Extraordinary Meeting of the SEEHN Executive Committee held on 30-31 January 2014 in Belgrade, Republic of Serbia.
Scope and purpose of the 4th Coordination Meeting of the SEE Health Network

In view of the above and at the request of the SEE Health Network, the RCC kindly agreed to organize and host this meeting of the SEE Health Network on the 12-13 March 2014. The meeting will be attended by the SEE Health Network Presidency, Executive Committee members and the SEEHN permanent Working Group on SEE 2020 Strategy.
The meeting will discuss and agree on the SEEHN obligations and actions for SEE 2020 Strategy implementation, including:

1. Monitoring of SEE 2020

  • Review of the monitoring grid and presentation of the proposed monitoring indicators in general and for the health dimension
  • Health targets and indicators
 2. Implementing SEE 2020 through flagship initiatives

  • Flagship Initiatives: definition, criteria, topics, opportunities for the SEEHN
  • Overview of proposed flagship initiatives and exchange of views on implementation methods
  • Ideas for health related flagship initiatives
3.  Governing the implementation: Review of the governance structures and mechanisms at the strategy, pillar and dimension level, sustainability of institutions involved and budgeting regional action
4.  Work plan (2014 – 2019) of the health dimension objectives and measures under the Inclusive Growth pillar of the SEE 2020 Strategy
5.  Brief update on Progress to influence/ connect the health measures with?

  • The content of draft IPA2 country Strategic papers?
  • National priorities and processes under the program - social investment for cohesion and growth. EU social investment program (SIP) – for EU members of the Network

Additionally, the meeting will have the opportunity to work on some of its most important immediate needs in 2014 under the Presidencies of Romania and Republic of Serbia including:
  •  Revisions of SEE Health Network basic legal documents:
  • Amendments to the SEEHN MoU
  • Protocol on the operation of the RHDCs
  • Concepts for the Fourth SEE Ministerial Forum
  • Next steps and timetable in 2014 and 2015

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